Day #18: First Paragraphs

I can feel the fingers itching out there as we go through Preptober together. We’ve been tackling one small exercise a day and then putting the pieces away. Well, today we get to do more typing than our previous days. Day #18 is First Paragraph Day. That means that we get to take out ourContinue reading “Day #18: First Paragraphs”

Day #17: Developing Relationships

Driving down the streets with colors of gold, deep red, and browns I gripped the wheel tighter as an idea came up to me. Living in Minnesota and starting my blog I didn’t just want to watch other people’s feeds of things to do up here. So, I filled up my facebook events calendars withContinue reading “Day #17: Developing Relationships”

Day #16: Developing Characters

Writers are strange creatures. We write novels in reverse and if anyone looked in our search history, they might be worried about us. We look up all kinds of strange facts, stories, and CSI like details. Our heads are filled with fantasy worlds, creatures, and sci-like inventions that don’t exist in our world right now.Continue reading “Day #16: Developing Characters”

Day #15: Tension

Since we worked on our relationships yesterday, it only seems fitting that we create some more tension throughout our story. We’re building the layers into our novel and this is another way to add interest to our characters and the places where we have our main points. I could use an onion reference but IContinue reading “Day #15: Tension”

Day #13: Get the Main Points In Detail

Is the thickness of your Preptober folder growing every day? These 31 days of exercises should help you form your story, break the steps of writing a novel down into bite size pieces, and keep you focused so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by what you’re trying to do. Today, we’re taking one more stepContinue reading “Day #13: Get the Main Points In Detail”

Day #12: Unplotting

We’re already on Day #12 of Preptober and we’ve been adding all the elements of novel into our folder. Think of yesterday as a teaser for today. We also added and now it’s time to narrow down our ideas. Today, it’s time to take a look at that outline that we put away because we’reContinue reading “Day #12: Unplotting”

Day #10: In Depth Character

Yesterday, I told you not to stress if you didn’t write down or collage every detail for a good reason. We’re starting out the beginning of the week by giving ourselves more time on the same exercise. The difference is that today we’re going deeper. Day #10 is about going in depth. As a writer,Continue reading “Day #10: In Depth Character”

Day #8: Outline Day

Get those pens and keyboards ready! We made it through our first full week of Preptober! Today, we’re going to strengthen what we have. We have our summary, conclusion, and some important points along the way of our story. Now, it’s time to start filling in the rest of the chapters. When you asked howContinue reading “Day #8: Outline Day”

Day 7: Getting to the Point

I was done writing this post when the so called security of the automated cloud saving decided to make it rain. Well, my post dripped back out of the cloud and all those brilliant words were gone. My superior stream of consciousness on digital paper was nowhere to be found. A growl escaped me andContinue reading “Day 7: Getting to the Point”

Day #6: Conclusion First

In the past few days, we took our first few steps in prepping our novel for next month. You’ve had time to write about your back cover summary and you’ve had time to research pieces of the story you choose to tell your audience. Creating that summary should have brought clarity to the story youContinue reading “Day #6: Conclusion First”

Day 5: Repeat

I said this month is about taking necessary but small steps to prepare your novel for writing. I also said not to worry if you missed something on your first research day. Having been through the book writing and publishing process myself and with other authors, I’m repeating research day. Day #5 is a necessaryContinue reading “Day 5: Repeat”

Summary Day

As a writer, I hope that you’ve read a few books of your own. When we’re in a bookstore, what’s one of the first things we do? We look at the cover and then turn over to the back summary. I know this might push your limits but this what we’re going to do today.Continue reading “Summary Day”